Quit smoking

Quitting smoking can help you live a longer, healthier life. Get all the facts and find out how we help reduce smoking across NSW.

Quit smoking

Smoking is the largest cause of preventable disease and death in NSW. In fact, in NSW, around 6,700 deaths in 2018 and more than 62,900 hospitalisations were attributed to smoking in 2018 to 2019.*

We know quitting is not always easy, but it is one of the most effective things you can do to reduce your cancer risk and live a longer, healthier life – no matter how long you have been smoking.

Get all the facts on smoking and cancer, along with support, tips and resources to help you quit. You can also learn more about our tobacco-related campaigns and initiatives aimed to help lessen the impact of cancer. 

Ready to quit and stay quit?

Call the NSW Quitline (13 78 48) to talk to a counsellor who can help you set up a personalised quit plan. Or, visit iCanQuit.com.au for more information, resources and tools to help you quit and stay quit.

In this section

Ten tips to quit smoking

Thinking about quitting smoking? Discover our ten tips to help you quit and stay quit.

What is COPD?

Learn more about the causes and symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Help someone quit smoking

Quitting smoking is a journey that people don't need to go on alone. Find out the best ways to support a friend, family member or colleague.

NSW Quitline

The NSW Quitline 13 7848 (13 QUIT) is a confidential telephone information and advice service to help smokers quit and stay quit.

Smoking Cessation Framework for NSW Health Services

A framework for NSW Health services. Supporting LHDs to manage nicotine dependence among patients and to implement smoking cessations interventions.

Smoking cessation in cancer services

We are working closely with cancer services across NSW on a project to embed smoking cessation brief interventions into all cancer services.

Reducing smoking in NSW

Find out about the Cancer Institute NSW's tobacco control goals and what has been achieved so far.

Aboriginal smoking prevention

Find out how we are working to reduce smoking in Aboriginal communities through programs and awareness campaigns.

Plain packaging cigarettes

Plain cigarette packaging in Australia has been in place since 2012. See other countries who've adopted or are on the way to adopting plain tobacco packaging.