Know the T.I.P.S. - Improve your cancer care

Four T.I.P.S. to improve your care

Know the T.I.P.S. - Improve your cancer care

Finding out you have cancer can be confronting and stressful. You might not know what to do or who to turn to.

T.I.P.S. - Team, Involvement, Plan, Support - is a four-point guide to help you have conversations with your doctor, and ultimately help you manage your cancer care.

What does T.I.P.S. mean?

When diagnosed with cancer, there is a lot of information available to help you understand your illness. However, there are many unknowns and you might not know what to do or where to access help. Having a conversation with your doctor about these four aspects of your care can improve your experience, and can help you be better supported:

  • Team – Have your care overseen by a multidisciplinary cancer care team.
  • Involvement – Be informed and get involved in decisions about your care.
  • Plan – Know the next step in your treatment and who to contact.
  • Support – Know the people and services available to support you.

How do I use T.I.P.S.?

Take your T.I.P.S. brochure or information sheet  with you to your appointment with your treating doctor. Ask them about each element, and they will discuss these with you and provide you with information that is most relevant to you.

Your treatment and care might involve seeing multiple doctors and other health professionals. Keep 'T.I.P.S.' with you as a guide for the discussions you may have throughout your care.