Screening and early detection

Early detection of cancer can significantly improve outcomes for patients.

We manage bowel, breast and cervical screening programs to identify these cancers early.

Screening and early detection

Why is cancer screening so important?

People with breast, cervical and bowel cancers detected through national cancer screening programs have better cancer survival outcomes than those diagnosed who had never been screened.

In 2018, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) conducted an analysis of cancer outcomes and screening behaviour for national cancer screening programs in Australia.

Cancer screening can help detect cancers early, even before you have any symptoms of the disease.

Screening programs offer free tests that detect cancers in the early stages - this  means people have more effective treatment options, and better outcomes.

We work to raise awareness of the early symptoms of cancer and encourage people to take appropriate action if they identify these symptoms.

In this section

Bowel cancer screening

Australia has one of the highest incidence of bowel cancer in the world—find out why screening is important and how you can take part in bowel screening.

Breast cancer screening

What is breast cancer screening? What services does the Cancer Institute NSW provide? Who should consider a mammogram?

Cervical screening

A Cervical Screening Test every five years is the best way to prevent cervical cancer. Learn more about how cervical screening saves lives.

Lung cancer symptom awareness

The chance of surviving lung cancer is best when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage—know the signs and symptoms to look for.