Aboriginal Cervical Screening Community Grants

Find more information and recipient details of the Aboriginal Cervical Screening Community Grants.

The NSW Cervical Screening Program aims to reduce the impact of cervical cancer by increasing the number of women having regular Cervical Screening Tests. To achieve this the NSW Cervical Screening Program needs to work with health organisations with excellent local networks and a record of delivering effective programs with priority communities. 

The NSW Cervical Screening Program provided funding to NSW Aboriginal Cervical Screening Network members to undertake evidence-based projects that have the potential to be embedded at a local level and to be sustainable past the funding period. The focus of these grants is community and service-centred initiatives and not research proposals.


2022 Grant Recipients

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN)

Project title: Aboriginal Women’s Health Education Day(s)

CESPHN will facilitate a series of health promotion and educational sessions in community and in partnership with the Tribal Warrior, Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation and Babana Aboriginal Men's Group. The sessions will take place across CESPHN locations, covering Sutherland/St George area, La Perouse and the CBD/inner west. Each event will have a full risk management plan and COVID safety plan developed. 

The educational events will be conducted in well ventilated and wherever possible outdoor settings where the ladies will be able to actively take part in yarning in small groups and individually one on one with care providers. There will be qualified and relevant health staff to facilitate health promotion, education, and bonus (COVID safe and appropriate ‘pampering’ or activities session e.g. hand massage, aromatherapy or weaving workshop whilst hearing key messages about screening). Participants will be encouraged to book in to see either their own GP/Women’s health nurse or invited to attend one of the organised follow up screening sessions in community. 

The follow up screening session will be held in 3–to4 different regions within our catchment area of central and eastern Sydney (e.g. La Perouse, Redfern, Jannali, Menai). CESPHN will aim to hold the sessions at relevant Aboriginal community organisations where appropriate, with approximately two sessions at each venue over the time of the project. 

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $18,850

Organisation: Family Planning NSW (FPNSW)

Project title: Choice and Control: Yarning about Cervical Screening Tests

The project aims to increase cervical screening test (CST) participation rates amongst Aboriginal women aged 25–to74 in key areas of Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD), through the delivery of a supported community education program in collaboration with Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service.

The program will be informed by community consultations and will focus on increasing awareness of the importance of and need for CST for Aboriginal women and the recent changes to self-collection coming into effect 1 July 2022.

Opportunities for CST will also be provided to Aboriginal women through existing FPNSW outreach clinics which will be scheduled to support education activities.

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $25,000

Organisation: Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD)

Project title: ME time - Women’s Business made easy – Yarn and Lunch

The project will deliver four education sessions, plus four pop up clinics with a focus on fun self-care in collaboration with Galambila Aboriginal Health Service and Coffs Harbour Women's Health Centre. The sessions will provide culturally safe, appropriate, and respectful educational Yarns with Aboriginal women and health workers. The events could offer combined opportunity for women’s check, cervical screening test (CST) or self-collect in private and discrete spaces (where appropriate) OR follow up appointment at additional pop up clinics. The events will be tailored for separate age ranges. Attendance will be incentivised with quality catering, prizes, take home show bag, transport and fun activities specifically designed for the age/place.

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $23,800

Organisation: Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD)

Project title: Strong Sista's Yarn Up

The project will include running bimonthly community based cervical screening yarning sessions, and four workforce education sessions, alternating between the local Durri Aboriginal Corporation Medical Service and the Kempsey Primary and Community Care. The project's primary focus will be to increase cervical screening amongst Aboriginal women in the target age group of 25–to74 years in the Kempsey local government area. The yarning sessions will be delivered by the Women's Health Nurse and Aboriginal Health Workers. All information for the project will be consistent across both sites, ensuring quality and equity to all participants. Furthermore, women will be offered information on cervical screening, including 2022 changes at upcoming special events such as the Aboriginal Women's Camps, NAIDOC and Close the Gap events, etc.

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $10,580

Organisation: South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD)

Project title: Women Taking Control: Increasing cervical screening in our Communities

The project aims to increase access to and participation in cervical screening by Aboriginal women aged 25–to74 years in SESLHD. The project will be implemented in partnership with Neighbourhood Junction Centre and  local Aboriginal health and community services and community members. The project will deliver education sessions for Aboriginal Health staff and community workers to build knowledge confidence and capacity. Health promotion activities and education sessions for Aboriginal Women will also be delivered with a focus on wellbeing. 

Information about self-collection as a means of women taking control of their own health will be introduced as an alternative to clinician-led cervical screening.

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $15,920

The project will target unscreened and under screened Aboriginal women from 5 Local Government Areas (LGAs) identified as having a higher percentage of Aboriginal women, and have not had targeted interventions within the last 3 years. They are Gilgandra, Parkes, Forbes, Narromine, and Lachlan. WNSWLHD will work with local Aboriginal Health Workers and Aboriginal Medical Services for this project.

Aboriginal women aged between 25 and 74 years will be invited to attend interactive, culturally informed health education workshops promoting screening presented by Women’s Health team. A pop-up clinic will be available for attendees on the day to have cervical screening by nurse or self-collect. For those not wanting screening at the event, bookings at future clinics will be offered.

Funding period: April 2022 - June 2023

Funding amount: $20,200