Cancer Institute NSW services

Patient Information provides information about cancer diagnosis, treatment and possible side effects. You will find practical advice about dealing with cancer and finding support. This patient-centric content recommends links to more detailed information.

eviQ Cancer Treatments Online is a point of care clinical information resource that provides health professionals with current evidence based, peer reviewed, best practice cancer treatment protocols and information.

eviQ Education provides medical, nursing, allied health and general ward staff with online learning resources. EviQ Education aims to standardise and promote evidence based practice when caring for patients with a cancer diagnosis.

Canrefer is a cancer services directory for residents of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The website lists specialists, hospitals and services that provide diagnosis and treatment for people suspected of or diagnosed with cancer. To be listed they must be a member of a cancer care team (also known as a multidisciplinary team). This means they regularly attend team meetings to discuss diagnosis and treatment for their patients. 

BreastSceen NSW, this government funded service is part of the National program, BreastScreen Australia. It aims to detect breast cancer early before it has a chance to spread.

Early detection of cancer increases the treatment options available and improves the chance of survival from the disease.  Visit BreastScreen NSW to find out how to access breast screen services in NSW.

iCanQuit offers a helpful online resource for smokers who are about to quit smoking, are attempting to quit smoking or need some extra motivation to stay quit for good. It provides a community forum to share tips, stories or advice about quitting smoking or staying quit.